Ingignis Academy Trust

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Our Schools

Insignis Academy Trust (IAT) is comprised of five secondary schools in Buckinghamshire. 

Our schools are Princes Risborough School (PRS), Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School (SHFGS), Sir William Ramsay School (SWRS), The Kingsbrook School (TKS) and The Mandeville School (TMS)

The Multi Academy Trust (MAT) was created in 2016 when SHFGS, a selective grammar school in Aylesbury, decided to move from single academy status to becoming a MAT. In September 2018, PRS joined IAT. PRS is a non-selective upper school. In March 2021, IAT won the competition bid to open and run TKS, a presumptive Free School. TKS is situated on the new Kingsbrook development in Aylesbury and opened to new year 7's in September 2022. In January 2022, TMS joined the MAT and in March 2024 SWRS became our fifth. 

The menu on the right of this page will take you to a dedicated school page with links that provide key information about our schools.